第74回 HiHA Webセミナー (Webinar)
日時:2022年6月28日(火) 16:00-17:00
WEB配信方法: Zoomミーティング
ミーティングID: 853 7102 0570
パスコード: 415199
講師:Parvel Baranov 博士(Professor, University College Cork, Ireland)
題目:Diversity of human RNA decoding (ヒトRNAの多様な読まれ方)
世話人:浅野 桂 特任教授(統合生命科学研究科 翻訳制御学研究室)
この度、University College Cork の Parvel Baranov 博士によるHiHA Webinarを開催することになりましたのでご案内申し上げます。博士はribosome profilingというゲノムワイドな翻訳領域の解析技術の第一人者です。最新の知見に基づきこれまで知られていなかったヒトmRNAの多様な翻訳様式についてご講演いただきます。
Proteins play diverse functions in our cells as enzymes, scaffolds for our cell structure, molecular motors, membrane channels, receptors, etc. Cells spend most of their energy on the biosynthesis of proteins. Therefore, it is important to understand the full repertoire of proteins encoded by the human genome. Recent evidence suggests the existence of numerous proteins and proteoforms encoded outside of currently annotated genomic regions. To help identification of these proteoforms we established several computational tools (GWIPS-viz and Trips-Viz) for the evaluation of processed publicly available high-throughput data (RNA-seq, ribosome profiling, mass spec proteomics, etc). The evaluation of these data in combination with orthogonal approaches for studying expression of individual genes suggests that the plurality of translation initiation sites (enabled by leaky scanning and reinitiation) is the main contributor to the observable decoding diversity together with hitherto poorly characterized heterogeneity of RNA transcripts.
HiHA 事務局
広島大学健康長寿研究拠点 (HiHA)
Mail: healthy-aging@hiroshima-u.ac.jp