News List
(5th June) 47th HiHA seminar (Webinar)
We held 47th HiHA seminar at 6/5 16:00-17:00 by Zoom webinar. Lecturer: Dr. Horikawa Meeting ID: 977…[more]
May 19 2020 Dr Takafumi Ozawa, who performed international collaborative research in Professor Keith Blackwell Laboratory at Joslin Diabetes Center in Harvard Medical School supported by JSPS “Program for Fostering Globally Talented Researchers” gave a talk about his research via internet.
May 19 2020 Dr Takafumi Ozawa, who performed international collaborative research in Professor Keith…[more]
May 7, 2020 A new paper from Drs Toda and Yukawa group was published in Cells online.
May 7, 2020 A new paper from Drs Toda and Yukawa group was published in Cells online. Authors:Masash…[more]
(13th March)Young researchers, who were supported by JSPS “Program for Fostering Globally Talented Researchers” and went abroad to conduct international collaboration, got together and gave talks about their researches.
13th March Young researchers, who were supported by JSPS “Program for Fostering Globally Talented …[more]
(13th March)The 7th HiHA international symposium was cancelled (postponed) because of coronavirus outbreak.
13th March The 7th HiHA international symposium was cancelled (postponed) because of coronavirus out…[more]
24 February Takashi Toda visited the Francis Crick Institute and discussed research collaboration with Sir Paul Nurse (Director and CEO of the institute).
24 February Takashi Toda visited the Francis Crick Institute and discussed research collaboration …[more]
(11th February)Dr. Kazunori Kume returned from the Francis Crick Institute after 63days collaborative research with Sir Paul Nurse.
11th February 2020 Dr. Kazunori Kume, a core member of HiHA, returned from the Francis Crick Institu…[more]
(5th February)Dr. Takashi Fujimura returned from Boston after 2 years collaborative research with Dr. Michiko Oyoshi at Boston Children’s Hospital, Boston, MA, USA.
February 5 2020 Dr. Takashi Fujimura returned from Boston after 2 years collaborative research with …[more]
A new paper from Dr.Kume was published in the Journal of Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry.
A new paper from Dr.Kume was published in the Journal of Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry…[more]
19th December Dr Katsura Asano (professor at Kansas State University, USA) visited our department/HiHA and discussed a possibility of collaboration.
19th December Dr Katsura Asano (professor at Kansas State University, USA) visited our department/…[more]