(6th June)A new paper based on International collaboration work between Hiroshima University and Oregon State University was published on-line in Med Chem Common.

6th June
A new paper based on International collaboration work between Hiroshima University and Oregon State University was published on-line in Med Chem Common. Dr Yosi Nindita received PhD under the supervision of Dr Kenji Asakawa and currently is a postdoctoral fellow in Dr  Taifo Mahmud’s laboratory. She has been supported by JSPS-Program for Fostering Globally Talented Researchers (S2902/JPMX05S2900002「).
Risa Nofiani, Benjamin Philmus, Yosi Nindita, and Taifo Mahmud, 
"3-Ketoacyl-ACP synthase (KAS) III homologuyes and their roles in natural product biosynthesis", MedChemComm, 2019. 【abstract