15th October A new research paper based upon International collaboration between Takashi Toda’s group and the Francis Crick Institute (London, UK) was published in International Journal of Molecular Sciences online.

15th October
A new research paper based upon International collaboration between Takashi Toda’s group and the Francis Crick Institute (London, UK) was published in International Journal of Molecular Sciences online. This article belongs to the Special Issue "Mechanism of Chromosome Segregation in Eukaryotes".
This work is partly supported by “Program For Fostering Globally Talented Research”  JSPS grant (S2902/JPMX05S2900002). Dr Corinne Pinder stayed in Takashi Toda’s laboratory in 2018 (January-May) to carry out this collaborative work. 
Masashi Yukawa, Tomoki Kawakami, Corinne Pinder and Takashi Toda
The title
Two XMAP215/TOG Microtubule Polymerases, Alp14 and Dis1, Play Non-Exchangeable, Distinct Roles in Microtubule Organisation in Fission Yeast
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2019 : 20(20), 5108